So, You’re Playing a “Bad Guy…”

So, You’re Playing a “Bad Guy…”

You’ve probably heard it said that an actor must love a character in order to play him well. I am not sure that I agree with this statement, but I do know that an actor cannot hate him.

To play any character well, you must be able to…

Making Friends with Monologues

Making Friends with Monologues

If you wanted to frighten a group of actors, you could turn to zombies, or you could just tell them to prepare a monologue audition. For actors, it seems monologues and zombies have much in common: They are very hard to find, it’s not exactly clear what to do if you...
Semicolon Use Simplified

Semicolon Use Simplified

I have always liked the semicolon, the cute ocular half of a winky smiley face. While it seems to cause great confusion to many of its would-be users, it is actually a very straightforward punctuation mark, especially if we focus on two easy-to-understand rules that...